Sunny Days

I believe I'm a sun person
Long cold days of Delhi with its lovely winter of the past
Always made me yearn for the sun to appear at last

Foggy days when the school bus was just two circles of smokey yellow
Rainy days when the world was all shades of gray and a muddy puddle
Few moments of the delicious sun on winter evenings in the garden
Oranges and books and the nice cream thin shawl

Winter has gone, am in the land of the sun
Everything is alive, ripe, full of life
Mosquitoes and worms and flies all thrive
Bread goes bad, the spinach has dried up
Tomatoes are shriveled and the wind has given up

My back is cold with sweat, my skin has changed color
I rub the sun away from my eyes and yet it wins and dries them up

Yellow has gone and blue is back
Red is completely ignored, green strives to win the day

Sun - life with you or without you - is difficult
Life - with sun or without sun - is difficult
I know the sun will rise, tomorrow, and forever

- My hand at poetry and I know this will not go down too well with people in Delhi who are fast drying up at 44 deg C. Keep the faith, people. :-)

25 June 2009


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