"Dealing with it!"

It is kind of sad when people drift away or apart. And such a phase happens with all at various times of their life. Circumstances change and people change with them. For what is the worth of a person if he or she is not adapting to the changing circumstance or situation?

As we go in life, we meet people who seem to color your world in those bright brilliant fairy-tale colors...but unfortunately, all of this comes with a timer. Sooner or later, the lights go out, the color fades, the music stops and a new circumstance comes into being. And then, once again, the warrior puts on fresh paint and gears up for the new things that will come on his or her way and how it will be dealt with.

"Dealt with"...hmm....it seems like a strange word to use for something that should ideally be lived. We say we are dealing with things, with work, with home, with life! Why are we dealing with it and do we realize that when we are dealing with it, those moments are actually being lived? That is what life is about and that was made clear a long time back by many philosophers - life has to be lived and it is never smooth. So, then why do the dark clouds always seem to hover around? Why not accept it and move on?

All these are of course words. Simple words. When it comes to feeling sad or low or hurt or unwanted or disliked, these words don't do anything. They simply sit there waiting for you to get back in the mood when you can see them and understand them. All by yourself.


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